Sunday, October 5

Risa's Page-Pink Entrance

Risa's Page-Pink Entrance

I was thinking alot tonite. About everything that's been going on. All the things I fail to talk about. And I really want to take the time and write down my thoughts about all the keys points in my life that I dwell on entirely too much. Oh yeah, another kewl page BTW...^^^

Anyway, things like my beautifully failed relationships with Ryan and why my relationship with Mr. Man didn't amount to anything. The only thing that I believe that I can be truely thankful for is the fact that whether I like it or not Benji has always been there consistantly and continues to do so. I'm blessed and cursed at the same time. :-) Anyways. I just wanted to get that down at least because i'ts four in the morning and I've got to sleep. Sweet Dreams.

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