Sunday, September 18

And the world is new.

Reading my last blog really makes me wish that I would've blogged more during the military years. Most of those beginning blogs are dust in the wind now that myspace is gone but such is life.

For now, the mini update would be that I'm now a mother of two. A wife of six years to a disabled vet. I have an ornery dog and two cats.  We own a home in a provincial town just outside the boundaries of my reservation. I have a good job that pays me well to do what I've always done.  Its a pretty decent life and yet...I feel a sort of restlessness, I suppose.

Right now I'm binge watching Girls. Its taken over my spot where Sex and the City resided in my heart because its basically what my 20's were.  I was a twenty something selfish shit who didn't know shit about shit. A girl who didn't know where she was going or what the hell she was doing. It reminds me of shitty and not so shitty past lovers. All the times I was pretty sure I would never remember but thankfully I do. It reminds me of D.C. And my last years there. Jared and I's beginning. Which made me go through some old pictures and I came across this little gem.

I thought I looked super ugly but I remember thinking at the time that regardless of how I looked in that moment...I needed to take a pic of this moment. Where I was actually in love with my partner and even though we were poor. We had our studio apartment in downtown D.C. and life was grand. It just makes me a little grateful and sad all at the same time.  Now that I'm settled and starting my "forever" life, it makes me all the more anxious to accept that I'm going back to D.C. in 2 weeks.

I haven't been to D.C. since we moved away from Fort Bragg five years ago. My boss volunteered me for a much needed class at training headquarters in Virginia and it got approved and now I'm going. I'm slightly freaked about it and I don't know why. A week without my kids or my husband. A week on my own in a town that shape who I am. I don't know quite how to feel about it.  All I know is that it's a lot to process right now.

And episode 5 of Season 1 totally happened to me...but I'll have to write that in another blog. There is just some shit I have to get off my chest that I don't think I ever could here. But I digress. Anyway.   I'm back...and I hope to write at least one blog everyday. <3 We'll see how it goes....until then. Cheerio.

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